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An online two player TicTacToe game for Android


Ultimate TicTacToe is an online two player TicTacToe game for Android.

How to play online with a friend:

  1. Open the app. On the first screen click the ‘Play with friend’ button.
  2. A popup menu opens which shows you two optins - ‘Start Game’ and ‘Join Game’.
    1. ‘Start Game’ button-
      1. On clicking this button you will be told to create a code which is like a one time password that you share with your friend to connect with your friend.
      2. You can enter any 4 digit code, provided it isnt being used by someone else already. In this case you will be informed to use a different code.
      3. Once you create a code the app will prompt you to share it with your friend. Share this code with the person you want to play with and tell them to follow steps 1. and 2. and then click on the ‘Join Game’ button.
      4. Wait for you friend to enter the code and start playing.
      5. Once your friend enters the code and presses the ‘Join’ button your game will automatically start.
    2. ‘Join Game’ button-
      1. On clicking the ‘Join Game’ button you will be prompted to enter the code that your friend has created.
      2. Enter the code and press the ‘Join’ button.
      3. On clicking the ‘Join’ button the game will start.
  3. On finishing a round press the ‘Next Round’ button that appears at the bottom of the screen to start the next round.
  4. To exit the game press the exit button on the top right corner of the screen. On leaving the game your friend will be automatically informed and he/she will also exit the game.

How to pass and play:

  1. Pass and play mode lets you play with a friend when they are physically present with you.
  2. Just click on the pass and play button and you will be taken to the tictactoe board.
  3. By default the person whose phone is being used to play is given the first chance to play i.e. the host starts playing the first round as X.
  4. In the following rounds the friend gets allternate turns to be X.
  5. To go to the next round press on the ‘Next Round’ button that appears at the bottom of the the board after a round ends.

How to change themes and display name:

  1. To change the display name first go to settings. You will see your current name and an option to change it. You can change your name using this option.
  2. To chnage the theme go to the settings and swipe left/right on the tictactoe board in the settings meun. To set the theme click on the tick mark that appears bellow it.
  3. To switch on/off the in game sounds click on the speaker icon.

Special thanks to Hersh Kumar and Arjun Bajpai for their help and contribution to the project.

Made with ♥️ by Shriram Joshi.